Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber

RCAC Publishes Median Household Income Report & Findings

According to the RCAC Report, please be advised of the following:

  1. The official MHI of the BBWC community is $100,000.

  2. Based on this data, the BBWC community is not disadvantaged according to the relevant Waterboards standards.

  3. In light of this data, Moonshot Missions and the Court Receiver's office continue to investigate available public funding sources to support the BBWC drinking water system, which is, and has been, a "failing" system pursuant to relevant State standards.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services

10/25/2024 BOIL WATER NOTICE FOR: Branson Ranch Road

An issue occurred following the repairs on Branson Ranch Rd and water to this area had to be shut off on 10/25/2024. We expect service to be restored later today, however a precautionary boil water notice must be issued. Please see the following for details:

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services

10/24/2024 BOIL WATER NOTICE FOR: Branson Ranch Road & Coffeeberry Drive

UPDATE: Repairs were completed without any water shutoffs. Therefore, the previously issued boil water notices may be cancelled. Please see the following:

A precautionary boil water notice will go into effect 10/24/2024 for the homes on Branson Ranch Rd and Coffeeberry drive. We will be shutting off water to these areas to initiate repairs to the system. Please see the following boil water notices for additional details.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services


-10/15/2024 update-

Water levels have stabilized, and we no longer believe there is a significant undetected leak affecting system capacity. We will continue to monitor system capacity and appreciate your efforts in helping us conserve water.

We ask that you continue to consider conserving water when possible, however the urgent need for conservation has passed for the time being.

-The following notice was posted on 10/8/2024-

Dear Big Basin Water Customer,

We have recently detected a significant leak in the system that is affecting our capacity to supply water. We have not yet found the location of the leak, but we will be working to find and repair it as soon as possible. In the meantime, we ask that you try to conserve water as much as possible.

Thank you,

Cypress Water Services.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services


A precautionary boil water notice is in effect for the Anchor Court portion of Big Basin Water System. On 9/4/2024, we shut off water to this area to repair an emergency leak. Please see the following boil water notice for additional details.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services

BBWC - Please Conserve Water

Dear Big Basin Water Customer,

Due to a reduction in well water production capacity, we are urging all Big Basin water customers to conserve water, especially during these summer months. This means minimizing water usage beyond what is necessary.

As you may know, Big Basin has an intertie with San Lorenzo Valley Water District, which helps supplement the water supply in times of need. SLVWD sells water to us at a rate of $12.66 per hundred cubic feet, which is greater than the Big Basin customer usage rate of $5.33 per hundred cubic feet. We are now asking for your cooperation and support in conserving so that we can continue to invest funding back into the water system to make it more resilient, instead of purchasing water from an external source at an unsustainable rate.

Thank you,

Cypress Water Services.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services

Big Basin Water 2023 Consumer Confidence Report

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is an annual water quality report. It includes information about the water system, water sources, definitions, levels of detected contaminants, water quality compliance/violations, and some educational information. Click here to view the 2023 CCR for Big Basin Water.

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services

Statement on June 2024 Bill Issues.

Dear Big Basin Water Customers,

We have been notified by many customers that there is a discrepancy between the most recent bills and the previous bills that were sent in April 2024. Many of the current bills show a past due balance despite the previous balance having been paid in full. We apologize for this inconsistency in the bills and ask that you read below for an explanation.

In April, we discovered that the billing software had been configured to a 2-month billing cycle, which caused an issue with bill calculations when we tried to bill off-cycle. Many customers were undercharged due to the billing software cutting off a portion of the charge for bills within certain date ranges.

We worked with technical support and have resolved the issue. The reason for the current bills now showing a past due balance is because it is making up for the previously cut off charges. Please note that no late fees or penalties have been applied to these past due balances.

The most recent bills (sent in June) should be correct. It is important for the water system that bills be paid in a timely manner, however, if you notice any excessive charges or other unexplained issues please continue to let us know.

We appreciate your support in alerting us of issues with the bills and we appreciate your patience as we work to resolve them.


Cypress Water Services

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Cypress Water Services Cypress Water Services


Please take notice that as of Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 11:30 a.m., the May 22, 2024 Boil Water Notice on W. Hilton Dr. is CANCELLED. Please refer to the official Cancellation of Boil Water Notice below:

The 5/22/2024 Boil Water Notice for W. Hilton that is no longer in effect is also attached below for reference:

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Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber

BBWC WWTP: Revised Advice Letter 21-S Filed

Court Receiver filed a revised version of Advice Letter 21-S with the California Public Utilities Commission on April 19, 2024. The Advice Letter requests authorization to transfer the BBWC WWTP to the County of Santa Cruz effective July 1, 2024, assuming the community and the Court approve of Court Receiver’s Consolidation Plan.

In lieu of serving the complete copy of the Advice Letter, Court Receiver served a Notice of Availability, pursuant to applicable CPUC rules. The Notice of Availability and the complete copy of Advice Letter 21-S is available to view and download below.

View & Download: Notice of Availability & Advice Letter 21-S

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Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber


Please take notice that as of Friday, February 16, 2024 at 3:30 p.m., the February 7, 2024 system-wide Boil Water Notice is CANCELLED.

Please refer to the official Cancellation of Boil Water Notice below:

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Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber


Following a system-wide PG&E power outage, a system-wide Boil Water Notice is effective immediately as of Wednesday, February 7, 2024. The Boil Water Notice is available for viewing below in English and Spanish.

We expect water service to be restored for most residences later today, February 7, 2024, though the Boil Water Notice will remain in effect for all customers until tests show that water is safe to drink.

Due to a prolonged power outage, the Big Basin Water System lost water pressure on 2/6/2024. The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, the Santa Cruz County Health Department, and the Big Basin Water Company are advising residents of the community utilizing Big Basin Water to only use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution to avoid stomach or intestinal illness.

In coordination with Cypress Water Services, Court Receiver has overseen the restoration of PG&E power service to key components of BBWC's infrastructure as of the morning of February 7, 2024. Court Receiver has also ordered (ten) 10 4,000-gallon deliveries of water, which are currently being deposited into BBWC's tanks.

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Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber

Notice: Court Receiver Has Issued Customer Bills

Please take notice that Court Receiver generated and issued customer bills on behalf of BBWC during the week of December 11, 2023.

Since the abrupt termination of Big Basin Water Company, Inc. (“BBWC”) operations by Central States Water Resources on October 20, 2023, Court Receiver has worked tirelessly with Cypress Water Services, BBWC’s day-to-day operator and customer service and billing coordinator, to build and implement BBWC’s customer billing infrastructure. Court Receiver is pleased to report that it was able to generate and issue the first post-receivership BBWC customer bills during the week of December 11, 2023.

It is critical that all customers timely remit their payments in full to Big Basin Water Company, Inc, which is in the possession and control of Court Receiver. Please make out checks to: Big Basin Water Company, Inc.. Please send checks to: PO Box 197, Boulder Creek, CA 95006.

While recurring customer revenues are themselves insufficient to cover BBWC’s many financial liabilities, every penny is necessary to keep operations running.

Please contact Cypress Water Services with any billing-related questions (email: | telephone: 831-920-6796).

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Nicolas Jaber Nicolas Jaber

Court Receiver’s Update: December 2023

Court Receiver’s Update: December 2023

Appointment of Court Receiver Silver & Wright LLP

The Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Santa Cruz appointed Silver & Wright LLP as the Court’s Receiver for the Big Basin Water Company, Inc. ("BBWC") drinking water system on September 29, 2023 pursuant to the request of the California State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water. Subsequently, on November 9, 2023, the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Santa Cruz appointed Silver & Wright LLP as the Court’s Receiver for all remaining components of BBWC, including the waste water treatment plant, pursuant to the request of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region.


Cypress Water Services serves as BBWC’s day-to-day operator and customer service liaison. BBWC customers should contact Cypress Water Services by email ( or telephone (831-920-6796) to report any service-related issues. Customers should also direct any customer service-related inquires to Cypress Water Services at the same email address and telephone number.

The Court Receiver continues to work closely with Cypress Water Services to evaluate water quality, assess critical infrastructure, troubleshoot failures, and implement customer billing.

Water Quality

As of December 1, 2023, no Boil Water Notices are in effect.


BBWC urgently requires funding to support general operations and critical repairs to infrastructure. The Court Receiver is working tirelessly to secure emergency financial support at the State and local levels.

Court Receiver will continue to provide regular customer Announcements at Take notice that Court Receiver did not author and does not endorse any Announcements available at published prior to December 1, 2023.

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